
Kariba forest protection project

Each year, the Kariba project protects around 785,000 hectares of forest, along with the vulnerable and endangered species that live within the forest and much more. This project also offsets more than 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 by preventing deforestation in this region.

Reducing our CO2e & improving living conditions

Saving the forest, protecting the animal world and changing living conditions



The Kariba forest protection project is a programme aimed at conserving the forest in order to protect the animal world and promote positive changes to the living conditions of the local communities. It fulfils ten of the seventeen UN objectives regarding sustainable development and is certified according to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the CCB Standard (Gold Level).




As a company, we calculate the greenhouse gases we generate and offset a percentage of these with CO2 certificates – such as the Zimbabwe project. Since 2011, the project has compensated over 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 on average each year. It also provides the local community with an extra source of income and promotes sustainable improvements to the living conditions in the region.



We view our CO2e offsetting efforts as an additional measure to run our company in the most eco-friendly way possible. Our commitment to regional (Germany) and international CO2e reduction projects is part of our sustainability offensive.



Us, in cooperation with www.southpole.com and Soil & More Impacts.